In July, one of my dreams was fulfilled when my sister (and very best friend) gave birth to TWIN boys!!! I was finally an auntie, two times over! It was such an exciting (and scary) time for our family. The babies were born at 27 weeks (an amazing feat for my tiny sister) and weighed almost 6 pounds each! I know this is “big” for a twin, but they sure seemed so tiny compared to my big babies (9.5 and 8.5 pounders)! The babies were born healthy and perfect in every way. My sister had some pretty serious complications after they were born and things got a little crazy for a couple of days. But thankfully, after a LONG week, everyone got to go home and start recovering and settling in. I was so glad I could be there to help at the hospital. My husband stayed in Connecticut with the kids so that I could jump on a plane to LA in a moment’s notice when it was “go” time.
Alexander and Benjamin (Baby A and Baby B as we knew them for 9 months) are absolutely precious. It was amazing to see not only how different they looked but also how different their personalities were right from the start. Alexander favors my brother-in-law and Benjamin got his chubby cheeks from my side of the family Under the circumstances, we didn’t have much time to worry about taking photos, but before I had to head back home, I was able to capture a few photos of the babies and the new parents (and their cutie fur baby, a long-hair dachshund named Bella). Bella loves her new baby brothers and all the toys, pacis, and other fun things that accompany them! Watching my sister become a mother to her boys was definitely worth the (long) wait. It is really hard to be on opposites coasts when we both have young children that we wish we could see on a regular basis. I’ve never been more thankful for FaceTime, social media, text messaging, and photo sharing than I am now!
Without further adieu, here are the cutest twin newborn boys ever (in my completely biased opinion)! Haha! Oh and did I mention my sister and brother-in-law are the MOST beautiful couple in LA?!? Gah, I’m so glad they are mine.